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Letters for your 7th birthday.

Dear Doc,

Happy Birthday!

You are 7 years old today and full of joy. On your birthday I always take a moment to look back on the years. From the day you were born (two weeks late by the way), to today dancing and wrestling with your sister. I look at how far you have come and where your path with lead.

This year, 7 years old, will bring you a lot of joy and challenges. You are a smart, kind, and beautiful young lady. Your kindness will get you very far but remember not everyone is as loving and kind hearted as you. There will be friends, students, and teachers that might say something unkind to you not knowing that your heart was in the right place. Please be strong and don’t take it personally. Its ok to wear your heart on your sleeve as long as you keep it protected and let it shine to those who might need it the most.

This year is 2nd grade. I am told it a tough grade and so far, it seems this is true. You are a very smart girl but you get frustrated easily. Please take remember to take a moment to breath and listen when things get difficult. You are not always going to know everything the first time. That is why we send you to a good school with a great teacher. You will learn and build upon the knowledge you already have. Also remember that making mistakes are ok as long as you, take in, and learn from them. Only then will you excel and become better.

I am bless to have you in my life. Thank you for being you and I can’t wait to see what 7 has in store for you.

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